Friday, June 14, 2013
Exquisite Idea ...


Friday, June 7, 2013

We have been having massive rain storms and there is more rain due our way according to the forecast! I was thinking about childhood days and how much I enjoyed and cherished tall, shady trees and the green, emerald leaves on trees I wished I could climb, but never did. I was a little lady and was always well dressed, had a splash violet water, and did not go climbing trees. I remember those days so long ago and despite having a wonderful childhood, in my own little way, today I feel happier than I did in those days. Nevertheless, I miss everything Retro. I refuse a fancy TV tray and favor the old metal tray. I recall childhood trading stamps for housewives and wished that stores give out these stamps when we purchase our groceries. I was a kid then, but I miss the fun of collecting as an adult and trade the stamps for fun items for home and comfort.
Back then it was safe for children to play outdoors, skate and enjoy hop scotch, jump rope, and dancing around the posie, the old tune fresh and sound as I remember it. The old television shows and variety shows were spectacular because back then there were better writers and comedians not spoiled by the huge salaries of today. Comedy used to be grand and that was part of my world. Everything we touched or that touched our lives was of quality!
My world did not lack imagination back then. I dreamed of visiting my grandparents’ homeland. I befriended trees and flowers and cats, too. I enjoyed books, though fairy tales and the likes of Mary’s Lou Grant scared me when he was on television screaming at Ted or just giving Baxter ‘the look.’ I recall outdoors skating, and picking every pink flower along the way. Myrtle, carnations, Chinese honeysuckle, and jasmine and daisies were ever present in my life back then. The fragile pink plumeria, ferns and caladiums with streaks and patches of red were ever present in my life. I used to gather fireflies, place them in jars with holes on their cover lids and soon release them, but I was as fascinated by their green ‘light’ as I was with large, emerald leaves holding huge amounts of raindrops.
At school I enjoyed playing field hockey and participating in tug-of-water competitions. I was good playing soccer, but I did not like it and wished it had been croquet. I received the first set of croquet and first little toy sewing machine and Skipper doll at a very young age, at age five, I believe, and I was thrilled. Back then we children played, not text, and we were grateful for all the toys we were given as opposed to demanding expensive electronics from our parents. I guess that in those days there was more humility. We lacked a culture of high tech and collectible toys. We did not collect a certain girl, we played with it, and therefore, we loved our dolls!
I see that in today’s world children expect so much in terms of material possessions. Today's children do not play with their toys the way we used to play. In fact, wives knew how to cook and create delicacies in the kitchen, they knew their way around the kitchen. The women of those days sewed, cooked, cleaned house, was frugal and knew how to entertain. So much of that art I call ‘thrift common sense’ has disappeared from our lives, and it has not totally disappeared due to certain famous ladies on television who have brought the art of cooking, keeping house, crafting, and so much more into our lives. You know who I am talking about.
I doubt that the younger generation in my family understands my past, my childhood days, or the joy that the children of the past were exposed to having so little as compared to the tech-luxuries that children today experience. I have a few vintage Tupperware kitchen items courtesy of my husband and I simply adore them. I refuse few and what I use is modern Tupperware with yellow lids and the four eight oz. covered glasses, lids are in bright orange like the glasses. I like glasses with lids. I miss the past. Yes, I moved on with life, but I miss the good old days. The 1960s were relaxed years for children. The 1970s offered so much of what I miss today in the media (akin to the 1960s) as well as missing RETRO everything … Toys from the past, tin tea sets, gentle dolls with eyes that opened and enduring material, vintage television at its best, not acceptable in today’s so called more 'sophisticated’ society.
Most Mothers were housewives and offered good meals and security when we arrived home from work. Ours were not the electronic baby-sitter, endless hours of television. We had family shows and talk show gave their guests decency and privacy. Food tasted so good then. Moms cooked, many baked (mine did not). I recall birthday parties at ages four and five and my mother used to stay until very late using the old meat grinder to make little French finger rolls stuffed with ham paste that she seasoned with red pimentos. She made the macaroni salad, potato salads from real potatoes, not from the box, and she made custards as well and a huge casserole, a hot meal. She purchased the sodas and the cake, huge cakes, but she actually prepared all the foods. We ate at home for the most part and birthdays were fun. I was camera-shy and therefore hated birthday parties! I observed all the work that went into making a child’s birthday party, dressing-up properly and entertaining during holidays when every meal was a feast!
Adults and children attended my birthday parties. The men wore suit and tie! Women wore dresses and they dressed up and they had lovely hair styles from the beauty salon or home. Back then women did not disfigure their bodies with tattoos, only sailors did that, and not all of them. Skin was protected. Men behaved and were dignified at parties. The men usually went to one side of the room and talked about politics and anything else men talked about and the ladies gathered near the food, socialized with one another and were happy when they were called to take that special group picture with what you might classify today as primitive technology! In fact, we had Mr. Ed and Petticoat Junction, The Patty Duke Show and so forth, and these shows were in black and white.
Our guests were dignified and dressed accordingly despite not being rich. I grew up in the city. We had long summers and yet I dreamed out autumn, my favorite season. Back then I liked spring and the merry month of May because flowers looked lovely and after showers everything was so green and humid and I liked the ‘scent’ of such weather. People had respect for others in traffic. Children were generally well behaved at school because we were properly taught to behave, mind our elders, and learn our lessons. I guess that my favorite years were those years in grammar school which might have been happier years if not for my shy ways! Shame on me, but I was a little girl who was afraid of her own shadow. I wanted to be outgoing, but it just wasn’t me.
Despite my youth, I remember the day that President Kennedy was shot and died. I remember watching the entire funeral. Despite being a sad occasion it had class. Later, I remember Robert Kennedy’s funeral. I understood they were killed. I was a little girl and I understood the difference between fun, pretend television (My Three Sons) and real life, the news as a form of media reality. I was a wise little girl in the way in which I behaved. I was a daddy’s girl. I was bookish, adored cats and birds alike, and was fascinated by color. My father’s Berber heritage, the Romany and the Russia were such a part of me then, and now …
I recall Retro dolls and toys, quiet ways and Southern food, especially pumpkin pie! Thanksgiving was my favorite holiday. I enjoyed cutting paper dolls. That Girl’ was my first set of paper dolls that my mother gave me. Every since then I have been hooked on paper items, not just handbags and books. My mom first gave me a white handbag when I was seven years old. I never forgot the thrill. My father wanted to be certain that if he purchased the set of World Book Encyclopedia that I would read the books. Well, I read each book many times over for many years, used them to write book reports, and was thrilled with the most beautiful woman in the world, First Daughter Tricia Nixon and her wedding which appeared in a year book, I believe.
My childhood might have been happier if my paternal family lived near. I especially missed my earlier memories with my paternal grandmother and aunt. Others in the family do not understand those girlish feelings of longing for the impossible, but through letter writing and photographs I kept in touch with them and the rest of the family to-date. I lost my father a few years ago. What saved me from my loss was that I married a good man who is decent and kind and so much fun, the romantic love of my life! He is not one to care much for Retro, though I think he does, in his own way, due to some of the good Retro he keeps in the kitchen. I am forever in love with vintage Tupperware (especially those in the colors beige, orange, yellow and green). I favor the ‘avocado green’ 1970s kitchen (the brown appliances as well, but mostly what I term as ‘olive green’). I have old cookbooks, a few sets of vintage paper dolls, Baby’s Hungry – the 1968 doll, and I recall my maternal grandmother’s Fire King Jadeite dinnerware. I remember my grandparents dearly. Today I make new memories, and despite the changing culture … I enjoys little journeys into those Retro years.
Joplin Loves 2 Read: Ecothrifty: Cheaper, Greener Choices for a Happoer...
Joplin Loves 2 Read: Ecothrifty: Cheaper, Greener Choices for a Happoer...: I really enjoyed this book and it helps end the fears of "I cant be green because it is too expensive." Yes buying solar panels...
Thursday, June 6, 2013

At a very young age I fell in love with Russian history and literature. Of course, I still read Russian realism, but I do not speak the language and read the translations into other languages. Among my favorite authors are Tosltoy and Chekhov, of course. I adore Russia plays and Chekhov rules my heart I that regard. I like Russian stories as much as I enjoy Canadian stories. Among favorite works of fiction are these Russian authors: Garshin, Bunin, Kataev, Ivanov, and many other great ones. The Red Flower by Garshin is a favorite story that I hold in high regard. I found profound love in Russia realism as opposed to French realism.
I have fallen in love with the Russian dasha as much as with the Winter Palace. Dostoyevsky, Turgenev, and many others intrigue me. In the arts, my distant Franco-Russo heritage inspires me from French Shabby Chic to the Russian arts – the paintings of Wassily Kandisky, the music of Tchaikovsky, the ballet, the art of Faberge (accent), the poetry of Anna Akhmatova and the life and works of Pushkin fascinate me. I like a good game of chess despite being mediocre. I believe the in that old Russia rules the classics. By the same token, I appreciate the work of many authors from different lands such as D.H. Lawrence,Charlotte Bronte and the poetry written by the sisters as well.
I fell in love with Little Women many decades ago. The village novels by Miss Read such as Return to Thrush Green and No Holy for Miss Quinn fascinate me and I find myself rereading the stories at times. The novels and the stories written by L.M. Montgomery are lovely. The author shares common ground with me, her love of books and nature. One cannot leave out children’s books written by Mrs. Wilder. Laura Ingalls Wilder taught us about the spirit of the frontier and pioneer strives through her kind books. I have read many biographies. There is an autobiography that gave me much laughter, Belles on their Toes. I liked the movies based on Cheaper by the Dozen and Belles on their Toes, but the book delighted me.
I enjoy reading poetry in different languages. There are two poets (who wrote in English) who motivate to write and read more poetry. These poets excite my curiosity and they are John Keats (Ode to a Nightingale) and Walt Whitman (Leaves of Grass). Have you read Whitman’s Salut au Monde? Have you made the time to read his masterpiece of poetry, Leaves of Grass and the lengthy poem Song of Myself? I find the poetry of Shelley, Yeats, and other great masters from other lands great literary works that touch the human spirit. I like Occitane poems by Mistral, French poems by Hugo (The Three Musketeers, a very well written book), Jose Angel Bueza, Jose Marti, Federico Garcia Lorca, and many other great ones that inspire me every day of my life.
I enjoy reading fictional food! There is a special book that I hold very dear to me (despite the author’s reference to ‘weight’ and a few lines that only a man could write and which I will not repeat as they are in very poor taste). The Pop Larkin Chronicles: The Darling Buds of May is very dear to me. I came across the book after watching Britain’s most successful and highly rated television series by the same name, The Darling Buds of May. This book has inspired me in many ways. I fell in love with Ma and her cooking. The first two episodes in the series are my favorites. I watched the entire series and read the books. I like a good cozy mystery specialty: the culinary mysteries, Sherlock Holmes, and stories about Inns. There are cozies without murders in this genre. As for our dear friend, Jessica Beatrice Fletcher of Murder, She Wrote, I appreciate the writing of Donald Bain. I hold dear the novel he autographed for me, A Yultide Murder.
Overall, the Romany of the world does not value books and reading as much as they devote time to other passions such as music, travel, and dancing. I take after my non-Roma grandfather, the gadjo who had respect for learning and who wrote poetry despite being occupied as a businessman. He knew how to invest his money, but he also taught his eight children to appreciate books. He was an avid reader. In fact, it was Grandfather who introduced me to television’s Little House on the Prairie. While others find great pleasure researching and reading about law, medicine, history, science, consumer economics and do not have much time to invest in fiction … I wish you would reconsider and read one work of fiction each month. By the end of the year you would have read a dozen good books. I warn you, fictional reading is addictive!
Enjoy your day, and ladies, remember that it is the month of June, so wear your pearls, your cameos, and a big, wide smile of joy and hope … Smiling is contagious and like books a smile like laughter has so much to offer to those in despair. ~Annie~
Sunday, June 2, 2013
America's Broken Dreams - Documentary - The new American poor: The Middl...
The Former Middle Class and now this ...
I needed to write a blog on America's fading middle class and I think that everyone should watch this video. Value everyone and everything in your life! Make a budget, be prepared, and be very selective about what you purchase. I often write about the importance of distinguishing between our wants and needs! Please, know the importance of frugality which is now more important than ever. I hope that all age groups will learn from this video. Please, watch and think about it. This can happen to anyone. Until our leaders resolve the problems and stagnation in this economy we must exercise caution, keep a budget and live beyond our means. We are special individuals and not Hollywood celebs who can afford not only certain luxuries, but also the basics in life.
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Friday, May 31, 2013

I think that humor finds a home in all our hearts! 'Laughter is the best medicine, 'I often hear said. Remember propriety and do not misuse the 'right time as to' when to laugh as opposed to being spontaneous. Why should one have restrictions to laughter? Would you laugh while you sit during a funeral or when your president or prime minister delivers a speech, or when a teacher is giving a lecture?
Tonight my husband watched the national evening news. Moments before the national broadcast started, I watched the local news and was disappointed, again. In my day serious, fahsionable men delivered the news as well-dressed, ‘suit and tie anchors,’ and they smiled when it was appropriate to do so. The ladies used to wear blazers/jackets and were pleasantly charming.
Tonight several newscasters joined the evening anchor and there were two very young ladies, a reporter and an anchor, I believe. These young ladies giggled as they announced their news show due Monday morning. The clothes they wore looked more like beach clothes, too informal, too colorful for serious news during the evening hour. Furthermore, their childish giggling outburst was out of place, undignified ... I thought I was back in grammar school, yes, that childish. These days I see that very young anchors and reporters who report dress down, some dress too casual, there is something missing in the newsroom today and that 'something' is class, accompanied by good taste and professionalism.
The news is serious and now they attempt to add glamour, sex-appeal and entertainment. I like to feel that I am being informed, and not merely entertained by class clowns! I used to watch consumer investigative reporters. I do not see those specializing and working on behalf of the consumer as I used to watch during the local news. I see 'entertainment' and not a serious, trusted news production. Folks, it's the news, and not the comedy hour mixed in with a fashion show that knows very little about TV news reporting and presentation. Dress- up accordingly, be serious and informative and offer your audience respect.
Monday, May 27, 2013

I do not know if this has ever happened to you ... All I can say is that I grow up setting the dinner table beautifully. Mother prepared meals and my father set the table, made swans and flowers out of white or pink napkins and the table looked lovely. This year I noticed that I was changing my ways drastically and I cannot explain it other than my fascination for 1970s Retro-everything! Indeed, my ways are changing and I feel great joy. When family comes over to dinner I set the table beautifully for my nieces and nephews. My husband helps me. Yet, these days, when I enjoy meals with deliciously prepared home meals made from scratch, I have developed a fascination for old, simple dinnerware, browns, and nothing fancy, not a folded napkin, not a fancy dessert or fruit salad bowl. I accept this humility lovingly and willingly. I create a 'fancy' ambiance for the family, but like my husband, I like it simple, very simple. I have changed and I am glad that I did. Although, on occasions, let's say ... once a month, I go along with fancy, but the rest of the time I enjoy the simple, old,down-to-earth dinnerware and table settings. Congratulations to ME.
Friday, May 24, 2013

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Find the season that makes you happiest and enjoy it even during the off-season. The planet Saturn has many seasons. I would be happy just having two seasons, autumn and summer!
If you Google Saturn on the link I will post alone you will notice that one of its seasons, 'summer,' last nearly 8 earth years! Each season has a special motif for us to appreciate. I miss fall and when the mood happens and the 'season' calls, I use the brown set of dishes, dark brown and lovely, and I dress up wearing browns, take cover with my brown blanket, and wear cayenne-brown or cinnamon-brown lipstick to color my lips.
My husband is fond of spring. He likes the green grass and all that grows and sunny, warmer days! I understand his fascination for spring because I feel that autumn is just as special!
Enjoy your day and if you have time and are curious about one of our most beautiful planets, Saturn, google-the-facts:
50 Interesting Facts about Saturn - Random Facts - Random History
May 3, 2010 – Saturn facts, including comparisons to Earth, recent Cassini discoveries, ... Many astronomers consider Saturn the most beautiful planet in the solar .... Saturn is at its farthest.b; Because Saturn spins on a tilt, it has seasons.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

It was an early breakfast, not brunch. I also had some of the vitamin supplies of the day. I used to have a sort of English/British breakfast with my half-cup of baked beans. I am a cheese-eating vegetarian and never tasted their black pudding, eggs, bacon, or any of that, but I still enjoy that kind of breakfast, baked beans, buttermilk biscuit, and a few extras that qualify such a breakfast as an Irish breakfast, but I still serve with Retro dishes, and not Irish dinnerware. I have fancier dinnerware, but I am forever and happily hooked on retro.
PS One of the other bloggers, a very nice and qualified homemaker and retro cook, posted on the tornadoes affecting her area in Oklahoma. I hope that tornadoes cease and I pray that all will be well. I like Oklahoma. It is a state that unlike some of the other states, Florida and Texas, seems different from most. I felt mystery and old-fashioned campfire in oil country as we drove along. Route 66 is a good memory for me. Oklahoma is a wonderful state and its people are very friendly.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Living with Asthma: My World of Flowers

I was inspired by a flower I called the Carolina, a myrtle, a puff duster myrtle, and this flower is native to the tropics, and is very famous in Australia. The red myrtle such as the hairbrush myrtle came along later on. There was the grand plumeria and for those living in the tropics, such as in Hawaii, you are familiar with it. I had the pink plumeria in the front lawn at my maternal grandparents' house. I used to 'pick' all pink flowers. Violets are special in my life, and there is the Tenerife Teide violet, a unique violet and one of fragrance. One finds the Parma violet in Italy and in the south of France, and its perfume is very costly.
I am in love with flowers, but now flowers are not my friends, for so many of them produce asthma in me: jasmines, hibisci, myrtle, and I sneeze and freeze ... I feel the itching of skin rash that reproduce, and I sneeze and wheeze at the site of a mango tree, tomato plants, and eucalyptus plant, myrtle, hibisci, and so forth. I ask, is this allergic reaction fair to one who adores the world of nature? I enjoy paper flowers such as paper lilies dearly, and the tissue paper flowers that I used to purchase in Mexico. There are alternatives in life and I settle for second best in regard to the emotional ordeal of having to distance myself from certain flowers. I cannot consume herbal teas due to a particular ingredient, hibiscus. This brings about severity in asthma which I recently discovered, as recent as one year ago.
I enjoy flowers that produce massive reactions in me, but I enjoy these flowers through varied sources: botany books, flora books, paper flowers, soft tissue flowers, printed flowers in dishes, and through the memories of a young girl who enjoyed the world of flowers, a gift she inherited through her father who always brought flowers home to her and through the genetic prime of her paternal grandmother who adored the flowers of her native North Africa. Thank you for passing on to me the beauty of the world of flowers despite allergens that affect me. I have learned to stay away from certain flowers, but in my heart, like my gardenia loving father used to say, 'All flowers are beautiful.' Thank you for such a fine gift from nature's own 'imperfetion.' Thank you, Julia. Today, your great-grandaughter, Julie, also inherited the gift you passed on to me, a fascination with all flowers!

I enjoy old-fashioned, simple, plain scrapbooking! I also write and keep a journal. But my journals were too plain and lacked personal creativity. I found this on google.com and this idea is inspiring, 'scrapbook journals' are perfect for my personality. Oh, I will enjoy a project such as the masterpiece shown on the photo. I plan to decorate the journal, leave ample space for writing and create a personalized book where I will record my thoughts and bring in the art!

I wonder, what motivates a man to be so cruel? Is the fear of God not in men today? Do we delegate blame to parents or the family unit? Must we blame parents who failed their sons?
Perhaps these are men who do evil and were the product of stable, decent families and yet, they failed society. The abuse has to stop. Children, the elderly, animals, and women, the abuse has to stop. I am not a feminist.
I wonder if those who are characterized as worldly, modern feminists, if they escape the cruel hands of men who destroy character and spirit. Or might they, too, be victims? The stories that are presented in the evening news are horrible real life stories of a sick society.
How can the clergy, teachers, and government help? What are the social resources to focus on the needs of women of all ages to learn how to protect themselves against predators -- strangers in their lives ... and those trusted beaus and husbands they once trusted.
A child is born innocent and develops in stages. When do critical changes happen to affect the minds and morals of such wicked men? How can society educate and help women avoid such perils? How can society teach men values? Do unto others as you would like done to you ... Not a bad start, but what happens when men become monsters who my intimidation and mental abuse hurt others. There are many shelters for abused women. I am grateful for the news networks that inform us. Let your children beware! Not every clown who smiles is a trusted friend!
I am a product of a stable home, attended finishing school and learned etiquette and personal development. However, I think that young girls and young women today are better off being taught judo, karate, any self-defense class and self awareness. They have to be taught to look behind their backs when they walk, not to drink from their glass/cup that is brought to them and that might contain one of those drug-mickies one hears about it on the news, by word of mouth, and so forth. Parents, teach your children not to trust with ease.
Love does not hurt and any man who hurts them and see them as the wicked of the genders is not a righteous man! I am tired of all the violence the news reports every day. How will it ever stop? This is a universal problem that must be addressed every day. I think that a girl, a woman, should learn how to defend herself, how to scream, how not to fear, rather then learning etiquette, the social graces, for such is the world we live in today, a jungle of ready creatures rushing to inflict pain on the innocent!
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Monday, May 13, 2013
Goodbye, Joyce Brother: There was 'joy' in your smile.

Sunday, May 12, 2013
Me Thinks Retro. Me Lives Retro. Seriously, I have always asked Retro gals what are the eras they most like and I have heard all eras, from the Victorian era to the more modern areas, the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s ... I used to adore the 1960s but I put that book back in the bookshelf and moved on. I like the car models of the 1950s, the Chevy 56' being my favorite but liking all the models. I am a Depression Era and 1970s' Retro Wife! Yes, those are the eras I like the most and identify with all the loveliness they offer. I asked my husband today as to what he 'observed' my fashion style was and he said, 'a bygone era and very French.' Husbands may be quiet, but they are very observant!
My parents never liked Retro, antiques, or any furniture of a past era that they had lived through. They were modern, consumed flesh in their meals, and were not charmed by Retro. I am the opposite. I have never consumed flesh, limit dairy, am devoted to Retro and antiques thrill me. I have concluded that I have inherited much from generations that are far from the modern era, from ancestors who lived many generations ago despite being compared to my paternal grandfather in terms of personality and personal likes. He liked rocking chairs and trunks and listening to radio talk. Well, the apple does not fall far from the tree, eh?
I used to think that my paternal grandfather had wonderful taste decorating. I also liked the poems that he wrote, his style in fashion, and ... He always wore a hat. He was fascinated by ancestral lands, was nearly a vegetarian. Had he not enjoyed pork so much, he would have been a vegetarian. He lived on vegetables, primarily root vegetables and vegetable salads and fresh fruit. Grandfather introduced me to Little House on the Prairie on television, and was always very kind to me. So I thought he had good taste in decorating and furnishing his homes, in literature, in his choice of a diet abundant in fresh fruits and vegetables, and in the fact that like me he was an avid reader. Ah, well, I guess that I do take after him despite the fact that he was a man! I have four loving grandparents and was closest to this man, my paternal grandfather and to my maternal grandmother. So I guess it's all in the gene!
The Berber and the Romany come out in my love for camels, for the old vardo; the Mexican comes out in the foods that I like, the Portuguese and the French are prevalent in most of what I do and in terms of literature, wholesome and sweet, as I am loyal to "Little Women," but I also like realism, Russian realism and in the arts I qualify for both French and Russian. Yes, it is all in the genes. Grandfather was always writing, typing, reading, and so am I. He learned chords and played guitar, sang a little, and was a good businessman. I am not good in business --in sales, and I am not one to like music as much as I like books, but I believe in having a budget and have control ... in a world of overspending!
PS - My favorite 1960s stove! Do you remember it? I liked Samantha's kitchen so much. What is your favorite era? Most women I ask always answer as I did, two eras. And you?
My parents never liked Retro, antiques, or any furniture of a past era that they had lived through. They were modern, consumed flesh in their meals, and were not charmed by Retro. I am the opposite. I have never consumed flesh, limit dairy, am devoted to Retro and antiques thrill me. I have concluded that I have inherited much from generations that are far from the modern era, from ancestors who lived many generations ago despite being compared to my paternal grandfather in terms of personality and personal likes. He liked rocking chairs and trunks and listening to radio talk. Well, the apple does not fall far from the tree, eh?
I used to think that my paternal grandfather had wonderful taste decorating. I also liked the poems that he wrote, his style in fashion, and ... He always wore a hat. He was fascinated by ancestral lands, was nearly a vegetarian. Had he not enjoyed pork so much, he would have been a vegetarian. He lived on vegetables, primarily root vegetables and vegetable salads and fresh fruit. Grandfather introduced me to Little House on the Prairie on television, and was always very kind to me. So I thought he had good taste in decorating and furnishing his homes, in literature, in his choice of a diet abundant in fresh fruits and vegetables, and in the fact that like me he was an avid reader. Ah, well, I guess that I do take after him despite the fact that he was a man! I have four loving grandparents and was closest to this man, my paternal grandfather and to my maternal grandmother. So I guess it's all in the gene!
The Berber and the Romany come out in my love for camels, for the old vardo; the Mexican comes out in the foods that I like, the Portuguese and the French are prevalent in most of what I do and in terms of literature, wholesome and sweet, as I am loyal to "Little Women," but I also like realism, Russian realism and in the arts I qualify for both French and Russian. Yes, it is all in the genes. Grandfather was always writing, typing, reading, and so am I. He learned chords and played guitar, sang a little, and was a good businessman. I am not good in business --in sales, and I am not one to like music as much as I like books, but I believe in having a budget and have control ... in a world of overspending!
PS - My favorite 1960s stove! Do you remember it? I liked Samantha's kitchen so much. What is your favorite era? Most women I ask always answer as I did, two eras. And you?
Retro Calendars: I Need Quality Calendars. Do You Know?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Good Luck to Me: I want to read this book cover to cover

Sunday, May 5, 2013
Why do I write this blog?
Monday, April 29, 2013
Budget: Keeping a Budget and a Record of Expenses!

Just Say No! Save Calories -sweets, saturated fat etc
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Oz is the Name... Oz as in Dr. Oz
I enjoy every article I read written by Dr. Oz! Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Michael Roizen are my inspiration in health matters! I like to read A Woman's World, each issue is $1.79 and a completed read! These doctors have often been featured and may I add, they co-authored a fabulous book: You- Being Beautiful: The Owner's Manual to Inner and Outer Beauty. I am pleased with this integral health book. It is not a difficult book to read. I am well pleased!
Merck Manual: Home Health Handbook - I purchased this volume last December and it is a good guide. One is well educated in health manners when one visits the doctor. WebMD and the site for Mayo Clinic are also good resources. These books and internet pages work for me.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Literary Regrets
If there is one factor in my life that I regret that is that I never kept a journal of the many books, journals, articles, and all sources of reading material. I have two journals for that purpose and I have not filled either with wonderful book titles and notes. I fear it. Why? Well, I wish I had kept a huge journal of all that I have read. This is an impressive list. I wish I could have kept a journal for that purpose alone and wish that school made it mandatory since grade six.
When I was eleven years young my parents purchased books for me. A man selling encyclopedias knocked on our door. I know about The World Book Encyclopedia. When that gentleman approached us I wanted the set of expensive books. We had a family meetings, my parents and I, and I must say it was a good investment. I read all the volumes!
Today we have the wonderful search tools of Google and other learning links within Google. Learning is a lifelong event! I wish that everyone took advantage of this wonderful modern-day blessing via the Internet!
Recipes and Consumer economics, home economics, and other related topics such as gardening, home repairs, nutrition and diets, and the world of Web MD, online Thesaurus, and other tools are 'fast' and 'efficient' and we should enjoy the mission that is learning and the journey that is online reading and researching, but texting, social media chats and posts, and movies, television, and so forth, are interests that others enjoy. I invest time on Pinterest once I have read and done housework or in between chores. We must value our time for what is important to us. I do not sacrifice exercising, housework and reading for Pinterest, which are scrapbook boards in my opinion.
Oh, 'life is good,' as my husband says, but one must organize and schedule tasks and keep a list or journal to further facilitate our goals! I am grateful for the Internet. I do not play online games. I do not know where to find them. If I want to play a game, I bring out the board game when there is time and my husband and I play. One should set realistic goals. We purchased a new edition game of Monopoly which was on sale and we paid very little for it at an outlet store. No, it is not the huge shopping chain ... Anyhow, we did not have time to invest on that particular game as it is time consuming. I gave it to my niece and the kids play it with their father on any given Monday for family evening activities. I like to play Parcheesi. Of course, I like to play chess, but I have been given a self-imposed, self-classified demerit, I am not an average player anymore, I am a bad player, though I like the game very much. We play for fun, burn twenty calories playing for one hour, and enjoy fun while not sacrificing more than one day a week for our game date.
One has to be realistic setting goals! It is good to keep occupied, but we have to work on spending less time doing chores once spring cleaning is done and since we are doing it at slow pace this spring cleaning 'event' will take us until summer to accomplish. I own many books that I have kept throughout the years. Organization and labeling, filing location of book titles and other items is a time consuming project. I have achieved part one, but part two starts next week. I have help. My husband helps me. Once that has been accomplished there will be more time for reading, learning, and sewing two aprons, one is a vintage project and the other is a Shabby Chic project. I am setting the time and scheduling 'events,' and I refuse to call these goals 'projects' because I see it as an event of a different kind and one that is very enjoyable.
Nevertheless, I regret not having kept a journal recording all titles and notes of everything I have read in my life. Spring cleaning, learning, keeping occupied, enjoying online research, keeping appointments, and preparing tasty, healthy meals are important 'events,' but the Great Event, the record of all the material I have read should have been recorded. Now I regret it.
Reading: More Time, Please!
I enjoy reading old books a second time. Some books are favorites and I read certain passages or chapters. Every Christmas I read the first or first and second chapters of Little Women. I also enjoy Christmas stories by L.M. Montgomery. I have read these Christmas stories many times and always savor its richness. However, I have many good books to read, cozy kittens to masterpieces in the classics such as my favorite, realism in Russian literature (no politics involved). Russian fiction ranks high on my list for its perfection!
I am writing a schedule of books to read each year. This list covers fiction and non fiction, three consumer magazines and fun reading as well. I wish there was more time in the day to read so much more. It frustrates me in that I wish to read many good books in one month and due to chores and an intense exercise program as well as appointments this is not possible to conquer. I keep trying. It seems that when I was young there was time for reading all the books on the list and for many other tasks. All I can do is try and read, read, read ... I also like to write girlish works of fiction, little stories, and this takes time from my reading schedule, but writing is another passion and worth the sacrifice of a token book.
I observe how busy my husband is and how much he reads. Like me, he reads every day and also spends time online. I admire a man who has an organized mind, high morals, and reads every day! We discuss books and current events, the economy, of course ... It is good to be married to a person who shares many common interests with me. I do respect the fact that he continues to learn, reads every day and is kind. My husband says that he wishes there was more time in the day for hobbies, interests, chores, and yes, reading! Well, we do what we can and by far, we read much more than most individuals we know who enjoy other wonderful interests.
What inspired me to be the avid reader that I am today? My family/extended family, they are avid readers, too! Yet, this must be an in-born quality. If I see a flower I cannot identify, an antique, a recipe, all things that spark curiosity in me ... I look it up. I do the research. My husband does the research as well. He does not lean on me to look up information/facts for him, he does the research as I do my own. When my husband reads the present-day concept for a 'newspaper,' mediocre in quality, small and thin newspaper, he still highlights and makes notes on the newspaper pages as he does in books or with his kindle. I do not read the newspaper, but my husband knows the articles that interest me and he hands them to me and I place them inside pocket pages in folders/binder journal books. I write on magazines such as consumer and woman's magazines, home economics magazines and so forth. I do not write on fiction books, but I still write on some of my books and I do it with a pencil and not with a highlighter as my husband does.
We are never too old, too tired, or too busy to read, learn and do our own research in any matter that interests us. I miss not attending the theatre, the philharmonic and a string quartet concert. The time we enjoyed the ballet must have been seven years ago. I do not miss it much. On youtube.com I enjoy music while I write or pin on Pinterest. I like dressing up to the philharmonic and since I am familiar with classical music having studied its composers many years, I know what I am listening to. It is good to have time to do housework and prepare exquisite meals, but reading, writing, and the arts are also important in my life. Exercising consumes hours of effort and I find it enjoyable. Yes, I am like most individuals who enjoy so may wonderful activities, including reading, and wish I have eight additional hours in the day to read. The idea of writing a schedule of books I want to read during the year (and this can be done quarterly)is a productive idea as long as I have the list next to me at all times during hours of reading activity.
Befriend a good book and read every day: books, magazines, etc
I purchased a copy of the Merck Manual in December 2012. Home Health Handbook is its title of this marvelous book. I read reference books, medical and genetics publications and any publication by Dr. Oz. Of course, I read A Woman's World magazine, fiction, home economics, and nearly everything I read is special to me. I think that the process of educating our minds through good books, or at least what one considers quality reading, is a wonderful opportunity. We must welcome literacy and read every day! We make time for sports, movies, sitcoms, reality stars, the evening news, weather reports, shopping, travel, and yes, we make time for emailing friends and family. We should make time each day and read, keep our analytic perspective and enjoy what we read. Why is it that most individuals cease to read once they have completed their formal education. The process of reading for pleasure is remarkable. There are many children and adults in third world powers who cannot afford to read and lack motivation to seek a library and read. We must strive to better the quality of lives each day and reading on a daily basis a must. We exercise our physical bodies. By the same token, we should not neglect exercising our mental abilities writing, reading, and creating! Befriend a good book every day, you will learn and have fun in the process.
Friday, April 12, 2013

Book Binders: Using Clear 200 Count Sheet Protectors and Imagination

Friday, April 5, 2013
Humor and Lucy!
I enjoy many topics and I must save that I have never experienced a dull day in my life or depression. I am very much like my late father used to be, enthusiastic!
I asked my husband to describe me to someone who might not know me and he said, "You like your privacy and writing." I wondered why he stopped there. The news was on and his attention was diverted to the sports or weather report, I cannot recall now.
I have been thinking about the economy and my enjoyment in consumer economics/home economics as well, and the four consumer economics boards I keep on Pinterest. It was at that time that I noticed a lovely photograph in a Retro board and I decided to pin it. It was a beautiful photo of Lucille 'I Love Lucy' Ball. I think that during times of doubt, economic concern and war or possible war/s one should focus on beauty and hope. Comedy brings to us both beauty (when we smile we look beautiful) and hope (there are endless possibilities tomorrow). I like this photograph and hope that everyone is informed in news and economics and unemployment matters and enjoys laughter thorough the old shows, your own movies, family laughter or a good joke you heard and should repeat to someone with a good sense of humor.
We have been having showers and I thought about the song April Showers. It is in times like these that we should focus on beauty and art and music, and of course, in our faith.

Lovely art and a message to youth

Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Missing Links in a Perfect CV
Last night I was reading the biography of a royal-to-be by marriage. I was impressed by the young lady's accomplishments such as the fact that she is highly educated, speaks four language and has studied at the best school that money can buy! Something was missing from the press release by the palace. Her parents were hardworking, self-made millionaires and very kind, and this young lady traveled, met the children of other affluent parents, and was now engaged in marriage. Ah, what was missing was the same missing link to all the royals, their spirituality! I wondered what the she and others in her position do in forms of daily prayer, if any, and along those lines, I also wondered if she was a woman of faith, was prepared in child rearing, if she could do a little sewing and a little cooking and what she had done to help humanity. The palace released a list of her accomplishments, but as it is with other such published press information there are missing links such as the inner values and virtues that are never mentioned. She is the daughter of such and such, they have money, she has beauty and has studied in good schools. Is that all? There is so much more to all of us. I wish that part of a person's inner soul and faith would be revealed as to their characters. I was thinking about Diana, Princess of Wales, her charity work was constant.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Racists/Bigots Hurt Children
I like to post on thrift and any home economics thought, add in a Retro illustration, and share any precious reading that might help in budgeting ideas, home ec and so forth. I have come across a so called 'friend' who is what some might call a racist or radical, one who loves her country and not its immigrants in this (USA)... a land of immigrants where the Native American tribes are its first inhabitants. I am so tired of receiving controversial, racial comments and some which offer incorrect facts so often I cannot keep count anymore. I believe that a human being who loves children and has compassion does not think along her lines because when one learns of a child in peril, a child who might be terminal by not being healthy, one does have compassion regardless of the child's color, ethnicity, religion and any other factor. The same applies to an animal or pet, one has compassion and does not spit hate. I am not Catholic, but I am very impressed by the love for the poor, the compassion for the less fortunate of the man who has become Pope Francis 1. It is important that we own compassion, be dignified, and not think that we are above the law of the land or above others. We are all immigrants or the sons and daughters of immigrants. Our presidents deserve our respect even if we do not always agree with their decisions. What does one do when one has to cope with a bigot who claims to be a patriot? I do not have an idea. Reading on home ec and skin care and budget, as well as enjoying Pinning on Pinterest are easier tasks than attempting to understand the lack of love and compassion for those who are less fortunate and poor through recent immigration. For those who are illegals, I think the government has the responsibility to make judgments and decisions, and not us. To those of you who are of the Roman Catholic faith I congratulate you on the selection of your leader, Pope Francis 1, a humble man who lives the doctrines that he preaches in the most humble and godly manner. Thank you!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Tuesday, March 5, 2013
A well informed consumer: skin health and care

We all know the old saying ... A funny thing happened to me on the way to ... Well, this happened to me late last year when I was watching a video of the show with Dr. Oz. I highly respect this man. He makes it easy for those of us who are not in the medical field to understand what he attempts to communicate to his audience.
Dr. Oz discussed not using Vaseline. The petro in it is a product used in oil for our cars, and so forth. One does not use this in ones skin. I have been researching the matter and upon reading the March 2013 issue of Shop Smart (The quick & easy guide from ConsumerReports) I found a wealth of answers! On pages 68-70 I learned answers that will not only allow me to discuss skin care with my dermatologist, but I also found out what works for me. Usually we go by way of mouth on the quality of a given product and by personal experience. I was tired of purchasing creams and lotions that provoked massive rashes in my body.
Now I know that I need products that contain paraffin due to issues I have with very dry skin! Of course, I have chosen to select products where animals are not sacrificed for testing. I have learned that I need products that are oil free, those without sulfate as I have very sensitive skin and for that same reason I avoid products that contain alcohol. Also on my list of avoidance are ingredients such as PABA, gluten (if at all possible), acetone, fragrance, formaldehyde and petrolatum, an oil. I read the latter and remembered the information Dr. Oz offered.
I am in the process of purchasing a product that helps me have radiant, healthy, and well protective skin. Our skin is the body's largest organ! In France skin is treated as a measure of preventive destruction to it at an early age. In Paris there are many mothers who take their daughters as young as ages nine, ten, and eleven, to institutes where they evaluate their personal skin treatments. Yes, 'personal,' as we have different organisms, different needs, and skin that is also in need of special care. Prevent now and do not lament later, I say.
I hope this research has helped you or someone you know. Read labels! Ingredients are important. I hear that an expensive product is always best. Well, not necessary, there are expensive creams that hurt my skin greatly. A well informed consumer is always a step ahead of others. It is never too late to learn what works for us best and for that matter for those in your family. Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope it has helped you!
Friday, March 1, 2013
An introductory statement of choices and a lovely Retro pic

I am starting a blog on thrift home economics with a twist on style. 'Thrifting' presents many challenges. One does not do without and settle for second best, but being an educated consumer, owning respect for ones budget, and considering other options is what makes a budget stretch and afford savings, and not simply become a slave to debt. Retro thrift purchases helps the consumer save money. For those who do not like vintage, there are other options, of course. The aim is to have fun while planning a budget and spending as wisely and not by impulse.
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