Remembering Retro game shows such as my favorite show as a teen, Match Game, and you see a member of the panel, Dr. Joyce Brothers. Her daughter, Lisa, stated that she died. Rest in peace, Dr. Brothers. She was a kind lady, author, and a fun panelist. As I sit and blog on Retro times and the passing of this lady, I think how much her presence will be missed, and how much of Retro seems to make a comeback and I like it ... But it's not the same. We live Retro and yet we move on with life, and despite enjoying all the retro memories at home such as classic Tupperware, classic Corelle, and many other wonderful products of the past, the CULTURE is not the same today, so we have a little bit of both worlds to enjoy, but it is just not the same. I miss the culture of the 1970s. It was groovy. I am glad that we can share our RETRO enjoyments, share vintage photos online, and have a way to purchasing such products secondhand from sellers. I visited a thrift shop one month ago and I did not see any vintage treasure. Others write that they find treasures all the time, Fire King, and many other brands and pieces. Pyrex is what I have seem most of the time. I guess it depends where one lives. An era has passed away and with that passing, Dr. Brothers expired and I thank her for all the research and media explanations she offered. She made psychology cool and I think that's far-out!
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