I think that humor finds a home in all our hearts! 'Laughter is the best medicine, 'I often hear said. Remember propriety and do not misuse the 'right time as to' when to laugh as opposed to being spontaneous. Why should one have restrictions to laughter? Would you laugh while you sit during a funeral or when your president or prime minister delivers a speech, or when a teacher is giving a lecture?
Tonight my husband watched the national evening news. Moments before the national broadcast started, I watched the local news and was disappointed, again. In my day serious, fahsionable men delivered the news as well-dressed, ‘suit and tie anchors,’ and they smiled when it was appropriate to do so. The ladies used to wear blazers/jackets and were pleasantly charming.
Tonight several newscasters joined the evening anchor and there were two very young ladies, a reporter and an anchor, I believe. These young ladies giggled as they announced their news show due Monday morning. The clothes they wore looked more like beach clothes, too informal, too colorful for serious news during the evening hour. Furthermore, their childish giggling outburst was out of place, undignified ... I thought I was back in grammar school, yes, that childish. These days I see that very young anchors and reporters who report dress down, some dress too casual, there is something missing in the newsroom today and that 'something' is class, accompanied by good taste and professionalism.
The news is serious and now they attempt to add glamour, sex-appeal and entertainment. I like to feel that I am being informed, and not merely entertained by class clowns! I used to watch consumer investigative reporters. I do not see those specializing and working on behalf of the consumer as I used to watch during the local news. I see 'entertainment' and not a serious, trusted news production. Folks, it's the news, and not the comedy hour mixed in with a fashion show that knows very little about TV news reporting and presentation. Dress- up accordingly, be serious and informative and offer your audience respect.
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