I wonder, what motivates a man to be so cruel? Is the fear of God not in men today? Do we delegate blame to parents or the family unit? Must we blame parents who failed their sons?
Perhaps these are men who do evil and were the product of stable, decent families and yet, they failed society. The abuse has to stop. Children, the elderly, animals, and women, the abuse has to stop. I am not a feminist.
I wonder if those who are characterized as worldly, modern feminists, if they escape the cruel hands of men who destroy character and spirit. Or might they, too, be victims? The stories that are presented in the evening news are horrible real life stories of a sick society.
How can the clergy, teachers, and government help? What are the social resources to focus on the needs of women of all ages to learn how to protect themselves against predators -- strangers in their lives ... and those trusted beaus and husbands they once trusted.
A child is born innocent and develops in stages. When do critical changes happen to affect the minds and morals of such wicked men? How can society educate and help women avoid such perils? How can society teach men values? Do unto others as you would like done to you ... Not a bad start, but what happens when men become monsters who my intimidation and mental abuse hurt others. There are many shelters for abused women. I am grateful for the news networks that inform us. Let your children beware! Not every clown who smiles is a trusted friend!
I am a product of a stable home, attended finishing school and learned etiquette and personal development. However, I think that young girls and young women today are better off being taught judo, karate, any self-defense class and self awareness. They have to be taught to look behind their backs when they walk, not to drink from their glass/cup that is brought to them and that might contain one of those drug-mickies one hears about it on the news, by word of mouth, and so forth. Parents, teach your children not to trust with ease.
Love does not hurt and any man who hurts them and see them as the wicked of the genders is not a righteous man! I am tired of all the violence the news reports every day. How will it ever stop? This is a universal problem that must be addressed every day. I think that a girl, a woman, should learn how to defend herself, how to scream, how not to fear, rather then learning etiquette, the social graces, for such is the world we live in today, a jungle of ready creatures rushing to inflict pain on the innocent!
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