
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Befriend a good book and read every day: books, magazines, etc

I purchased a copy of the Merck Manual in December 2012. Home Health Handbook is its title of this marvelous book. I read reference books, medical and genetics publications and any publication by Dr. Oz. Of course, I read A Woman's World magazine, fiction, home economics, and nearly everything I read is special to me. I think that the process of educating our minds through good books, or at least what one considers quality reading, is a wonderful opportunity. We must welcome literacy and read every day! We make time for sports, movies, sitcoms, reality stars, the evening news, weather reports, shopping, travel, and yes, we make time for emailing friends and family. We should make time each day and read, keep our analytic perspective and enjoy what we read. Why is it that most individuals cease to read once they have completed their formal education. The process of reading for pleasure is remarkable. There are many children and adults in third world powers who cannot afford to read and lack motivation to seek a library and read. We must strive to better the quality of lives each day and reading on a daily basis a must. We exercise our physical bodies. By the same token, we should not neglect exercising our mental abilities writing, reading, and creating! Befriend a good book every day, you will learn and have fun in the process.

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